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Costumes that don't fit?
February 27th, 2012 at 9:02 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

Is your child dressing up as a Mommy or a Bubby for Purim this year? If so this is the perfect accessory to complete their costume. No more old tichel drooping over the eyes (SAFETY HAZARD!)and constantly needing to be readjusted.  After Purim is over this kids pretied bandana becomes the ultimate add on to the dress up wardrobe. 



I recently saw the cutest boys shul play set. Complete with tallis and tefillin. Seeing my daughter left out of the play fest, my first thought was what can I make for her to complete this play package? The idea was born. The kids Pretied for dress up professionals. The perfect fit. Comfortable.  Comes in many colors and designs. 


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